
Cabomba Caroliniana, also called Fish Grass, Washington Plant and Water Shield, is an aquatic plant that is found from southern Illinois to Texas and Florida. The submerged, hair-like leaves of this plant are bright green, fan-shaped and coarsely segmented up to 11/2 inched in diameter. The floating leaves are linear, but not hair-like, with pointed tips up to 2 centimeters in length. This plant produces small white flowers with yellow centers that float on the water's surface.

Pot Cultivation

This plant is often sold in bunches with a lead strip wrapped around the cuttings. They may be pitched into the water where they will sink. Their roots are mainly used to anchor the plants underneath the water since they absorb most of their nutrients through their leaves. They can be potted in containers of pea gravel to anchor the plants.


This plant is increased by seeds, cuttings or division.

C. Caroliniana. 


C. Caroliniana. 

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